You know what they say: the camera never lies.
I've been working in the video business as an online presenter and coach for more than 10 years, so I have a pretty good idea what my 57-year-old face looks like. And I always made sure that my husband Scott, who is our videographer, shoots me head and shoulders and never on an angle. Did I mention I always make sure that I wear makeup, and lots of it and have my hair done, right?
But not today. Today, my daughter Marissa and I are attending our skin care consultation with Drs. Greg Antoniak and James Bonaparte from the Facial Surgery and Cosmetic Centre of Ottawa. We're doing this to make sure we get our best look for Marissa's upcoming wedding season.
A consultation with the docs means one thing: you have to be bare-faced. In your case, if you are considering any sort of cosmetic treatment or enhancement, you do this in the safety of the doctor's office where all your warts and freckles and sunspots and wrinkles can be evaluated. In our case, Marissa and I are doing this in a
public forum in hopes of providing education for consumers as to what is possible for faces old and young.
Let's be clear, we don't want to look like Joan and Melissa Rivers. Or Lisa Minnelli and Kim Hunter at the Oscars. We want to look like Rose and Marissa, superwomen, fresh-faced and looking good for our ages. So that's why we're meeting with the doctors -- to come up with strategies to make us look our very best.
Boy, was I shocked when I saw this video. Straight on camera, I don't have a double chin, but Scott shot me from the side with my waddle wiggling for everybody to see. I looked tired, beat-up really, especially sitting beside my 24-year-old lovely daughter who looks as good without makeup as anyone her age.
For me, sitting with Marissa, it was Dickensian. She is the ghost of my Christmas past; I am the ghost of her Christmas future.
Hopefully, she will learn techniques and use products that will make her look a little less like Ebenezer Scrooge. Hopefully, I will find means to make me look, well, just like a better Scrooge.
Here's the deal.
After meeting with the docs, Marissa and I will be given a plan that we will be following for the coming months, including a skin analysis, a new skin care regime and we will be undertaking a variety of procedures -- some invasive, some not-so -- to ensure that come the Big Day, we'll both be rock stars.
Marissa might even get a solution to get her bikini-ready, and undo the effects of too many Energy Drinks and President's Choice chocolate chip cookies.
I'm very excited for the future.
Hope you enjoy the video.
Next: Visia skin analysis
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